Training Data Datasets total 0 records x 0 attributes
Test Data Datasets total 0 records x 0 attributes
General Amount of different classes 0


Training: 7,495 records x 17 attributes
Test: 3,498 records x 17 attributes
Classes: 10

Training: 208 records x 9 attributes
Test: 208 records x 9 attributes
Classes: 9

Training: 10000 records x 40 attributes
Test: 10000 records x 40 attributes
Classes: 9

Loading example dataLoader-Icon
Parameters: k (amount of neighbours) σ (sigma) Kernel-Function Distance-Function
Id Attributes σ increased Predicted Class Original Class Status
Nothing to display here, hit the Start-Button!
0 error(s)

Visualization of neighbours, sigma and distances

Legend & Details

Id Name Neighbours <=σ (sigma) Weight total