# # Makefile for LISP # # # Change the following definitions to fit your needs! # # X86/Linux export ARCHITECTURE = X86 export BIN_PATH = /usr/local/bin export STD_IMAGE_PATH = /usr/local/share/lisp # Sun/Solaris #export ARCHITECTURE = SPARC #export BIN_PATH = /opt/local/bin #export STD_IMAGE_PATH = /opt/local/share/lisp # # Do not change anything below this line! # export MAJOR_VNUM = 6 export MINOR_VNUM = 8 DIRS = getline src sys # tcl tk all: for i in $(DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$i ; done install: for i in $(DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$i install ; done clean: for i in $(DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$i clean ; done rm -f *~ dist: clean (cd .. ; \ tar -cvf lisp-$(MAJOR_VNUM).$(MINOR_VNUM).tar \ lisp-$(MAJOR_VNUM).$(MINOR_VNUM)/* ; \ gzip -f lisp-$(MAJOR_VNUM).$(MINOR_VNUM).tar)