Neuronicus: A simple Neural Network simulator for teaching

neuronicus screenshot

Neuronicus is a Neural Network simulator which visualises the way artificial neural networks work. It includes an editor for generation of simple patterns, step-by-step training and the possibility to recall the pattern. In each computation step all calculations are displayed. As a result it is easy to see how the neural network stores or recognises patterns.


The java-program is platform independent and works on all operating systems. Just download the archive and unpack it (tar -xvzf neuronicus_1.0.3.tar.gz).
Change to the directory with the file neuronicus-1.0.3.jar and run it in the Java virtual machine (java -jar neuronicus-1.0.3.jar).


  • Start the program (java -jar neuronicus-1.0.3.jar)
  • Draw a pattern, such as a letter in 5x7 pixel representation
  • Set the learning rate to something like 0.2
  • Click on Training stepwise: The weights of all connections of the first neuron are displayed, as well as their change during the training
  • It is also possible to train whole cycles. The adjustable delay defines how long calculations for each neuron are displayed
  • After the training, disturb the pattern and propagate the modified pattern step-by-step or for whole cycles. Again, computation of activation is displayed for each neuron
  • Just play around with the netowok - it is self-explaining and intuitive. You can train two or three patterns, and try to recognise them.

Please read our disclaimer before downloading and using this software.

Please use the following reference if results obtained by applying the software are published
(download bibTeX file):

John, D., Dominik, A., 2011. Neuronicus Neural Network Simulator. THM - University of Applied Sciences, Giessen, Website, [Online]. Available at: [Accessed ].

GPLv2 License This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License Version 2 .